
Get Ready for Passover with the Four Sons!

Access the Rabbinical Assembly’s 5784/2024 Pesah Guide *here.*

Explore these interesting ideas below for planning and celebrating your seder this year.

Preparing for Passover

What is on the Seder Plate and How to Make Your Own
Passover Seder Cheat Sheet from NCSY
Rabbinical Assembly Guide to Pesach


1964 Maxwell House Haggadah (Part 1) (Part 2)
Remember when? A Heska Amuna Community Seder Haggadah
In Every Generation: PJ Library’s Haggadah
30 minute Seder
Monty Python Haggadah (in loving memory of Mindy Goldberg who always loved this)
JewBelong Haggadah


1965 Manischewitz Brightens Your Passover (with 8 day meal planner and recipes!)
Chocolate Nut and Dried Fruit Covered Matzo
Dark Chocolate and Pistachio Matzo Bark
Chocolate Caramel Matza from Mary’s Fun Page
(Really good everyday) Homemade Matzo
Coconut Macaroons (only 4 ingredients!)
Moroccan Passover Haroset
Traditional Chopped Liver and Contemporary Chopped Not Liver
Dale Hasden’s, ז״ל, Spectacular Salmon Gefilte Fish (carmelize the onions first!)
Frank Floyd’s Potato Kugel
The Floyd Framily’s Matzo Crack
The Floyd Family’s Matzo Lasagna
The Floyd Family’s Passover Cheesecake
The Floyd Family’s Vegan Shepherd’s Pie

Whole Family Fun

Martha Stewart, Bag of Plagues
Martha Stewart, 12 Entertaining Ideas for the Whole Family
Headband Game, Passover Edition
Passover Skit from JewBelong
Who Knows About Passover? Game
Passover MadLibs Printable

Children’s Activities and Resources

Seder Plate Coloring Page
The Passover Shaboom Special, What’s Different about Tonight?
Shalom Sesame Passover Playlist
Eight Nights of Family Games for Passover
Simple Origami Jumping Frogs

Heska Amuna Synagogue hopes all have enjoyed exploring these resources. We wish you all a most meaningful seder and Passover this year.

Next Year in Jerusalem (or if not, at least together in Knoxville, Tennessee).

Chag Sameach!