Recordings and Notes: Origins of the Passover Seder, a series led by Jack Love, April 2024
Click *here* for session 1 notes, *here* for session 2 notes, and click *here* for session 3 notes.
Session 1: Passover in the Bible
What do the Torah and other books of the Bible require and describe as the proper celebration of the Passover holiday? Can we see how the holiday was observed in the historical sources written while the Temple stood (or shortly after its destruction)? Click *here* for a recording of this session.
Session 2: Passover in the Mishnah
What do our earliest rabbinic sources, Mishnah and Tosefta, tell us about the proper way to celebrate Passover? With a little help from our friends in the Gemara and the books of Midrash. Click *here* for a recording of this session.
Session 3: Passover in the Haggadah
What does the Haggadah tell us about the proper way to celebrate Passover? Can we even define a standard text of the Haggadah? Hint: In our house, we write our own! Click *here* for a recording of this session.