Join Us for Shabbat Services in person or zoom and Weekly Minyanim on zoom!
Heska Amuna offers a variety of formats for Shabbat worship. This springs from our desire to provide religious services and rituals that fulfill the needs of an egalitarian congregation bringing inclusive and traditional approaches that reflect our roots as a conservative congreation.
We have updated our Zoom links and now have ONE link to use for all minyanim, Shabbat, and holiday services!
Join our services using this zoom link for everything!
Meeting ID for all services: 560 531 361
Passcode: 628641
6:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat with Jack Love and Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum sharing the lead. (This service is is held in-person once a month when Rabbi Rosenbaum’s travel schedule allows but is always streamed online, too.)
Alternating each Shabbat: Traditional Shabbat Services (9:45 am) and Contemporary Shabbat Services (10 am). In person & on zoom.
Our Traditional Shabbat Services begin with Psukei D’Zimra and Shacharit, includes all of the Torah readings and Haftorah for the week’s parsha using the Triennial readings, and ends with Musaf. Traditional services are usually held on the first and third Shabbat each month and are led by the Rabbi and Religious Services Committee.
Our Contemporary Shabbat Services, led by Rabbi Shush Carson, include modern melodies, acoustic guitar, and a shorter service format with a d’var torah but does not include reading torah or chanting haftorot. Contemporary services are usually held on the second and fourth Shabbat each month.
For months where there is a fifth Shabbat, special services are designed based on the time of year these Shabbatot fall.
8 pm Minyan, led by Michael Burnett. Zoom only.
6:30 pm Minyan followed at 7 pm by Daf Yomi Talmud Chat with Raphe Panitz and Jack Love. Zoom only.
Throughout the month, special learning activities are offered to children, pre-school aged through middle school.
Always check our weekly newsletter, Nu News, *here* for the service schedule for the current week.
Siddur Eit Ratzon, the siddur (prayer book), used for in-person services, has 4 columns – Hebrew, transliteration of the Hebrew, English, and Comments/Guideposts. If you would like to purchase a prayer book and/or Chumash (Torah & Commentary in book form) for use on Zoom, the Synagogue has a 40% discount, so you are welcome to contact the Business Office 865-522-0701 for details. We use Siddur Lev Shalem for our zoom-only services.
Helpful chart of pages for prayers in 3 Siddurim (prayerbooks) used at Heska Amuna in the last several years: Lev Shalem, Eit Ratzon, and Sim Shalom.