
All services listed below begin at 9:45 a.m. unless otherwise noted.

To request items below, check the box(es) in front of the item(s) you want. At the bottom of the page, enter your name and email address and click the Request button. If this is the first time you are signing up to participate, send an email to

Jan. 25 Vaera (Contemporary 10:00)     (Coordinator: Laura Floyd)

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash PageTikkun Page Reader
 1 RishonEx. 8:16-23836269Miriam Weinstein
 2 SheiniEx. 8:24-28536369Miriam Weinstein
 3 ShelishiEx. 9:1-7736469-70Miriam Weinstein

 Service    Rabbi Shush Carson
 Blessing of New Month    Gilya Schmidt
 Usher    Mary Linda Schwarzbart

Note:    New month: Rosh hodesh Shevat yih-ye b'yom hamishi haba aleinu v'al kol Yisrael l'tova

Feb. 1 Bo     (Coordinator: Markus Eisenbach)

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash PageTikkun Page Reader
 1 KohenEx. 12:29-32438774Jack Love
 2 LeviEx. 12:33-36438774-75Jack Love
 3 ShelishiEx. 12:37-42638875Laura Floyd
 4 Revi'iEx. 12:43-51938975Laura Floyd
 5 HamishiEx. 13:1-4439175Michael Burnett
6 ShishiEx. 13:5-10639275-76 
7 Shevi'iEx. 13:11-16639376 
MaftirEx. 13:14-16339376 
 HaftarahJeremiah 46:13-2816395 Gilya Schmidt

 Pesukei DeZimra    Michael Burnett
 Shaharit    William Thompson
 Torah Service    Rabbi Shush Carson
 Musaf    Jack Love
 D'var Torah    Mary Linda Schwarzbart
 Usher    Mary Linda Schwarzbart

Feb. 8 B'shallah / Shabbat Shira     (Coordinator: Markus Eisenbach)

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash PageTikkun Page Reader
 1 RishonEx. 14:26-15:212740577-78Ken Brown
 2 SheiniEx. 15:22-26541278-79Mary Ann Merrell
 3 ShelishiEx. 15:27-16:101141479Mary Ann Merrell

 Service    Rabbi Shush Carson
 Usher    Laura Floyd

Feb. 15 Yitro     (Coordinator: Markus Eisenbach)

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash PageTikkun Page Reader
 1 KohenEx. 19:1-6643682Laura Floyd
 2 LeviEx. 19:7-9343882-83Laura Floyd
3 ShelishiEx. 19:10-13443883 
4 Revi'iEx. 19:14-19643983 
 5 HamishiEx. 19:20-20:142044083-84Jack Love
 6 ShishiEx. 20:15-18444984Rabbi Rosenbaum
 7 Shevi'iEx. 20:19-23544984Rabbi Rosenbaum
 MaftirEx. 20:21-23344984Rabbi Rosenbaum
 HaftarahIsaiah 6:1-7:6;9:5-621451 Jack Love

 Pesukei DeZimra    Rabbi Rosenbaum
 Shaharit    Rabbi Rosenbaum
 Torah Service    Michael Burnett
 Musaf    Rabbi Rosenbaum
 D'var Torah    Rabbi Rosenbaum
 Usher    Mary Ann Merrell

Feb. 22 Mishpatim     (Coordinator: Markus Eisenbach)

Request AliyahReading # VersesHumash PageTikkun Page Reader
 1 RishonEx. 23:20-25647487-88Rivka Soloway
 2 SheiniEx. 23:26-30547588Rivka Soloway
 3 ShelishiEx. 23:31-33347688Rivka Soloway

 Service    Rabbi Shush Carson
 Blessing of New Month    Mary Ann Merrell
 Usher    Laura Floyd

Note:    New month: Rosh hodesh Adar yih-ye b'yom shishi uvyom Shabbat Kodesh haba aleinu v'al kol Yisrael l'tova

To request items above, check the box(es) in front of the item(s) you want. Provide your name and email address before clicking the Request button below.
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