The Art of Sylvia Hyman: The Covenant Tapestry

A mélange of symbols and colors depicting the Jewish Scriptures, Holidays, and Prophecies.

A note from the artist:

I breathed a sigh of relief and joy as I signed my name to the painting which had been three years in the making. I called my husband, Aaron, to share in the moment. As he peeked into my studio, he said, “It looks great. I see you put a Shin in the painting.” “No, I didn’t,” I said. “What are you talking about?” “Look,” he said, “It runs through the entire painting!” I stepped back and looked…and there it was…a huge Shin. I felt a chill, amazed that I had painted it, totally unaware. Later, as I was taking the painting down from the easel, I noticed that some paint had bled through the back of the paper – it was the Shin, nothing else.

Shin: the Hebrew letter that stands for G-d’s name. Similar in appearance to the letter “W” in the Latin alphabet.

Sylvia Hyman is a cousin of Anita Merlin, z”l. This painting is from Anita’s collection and was donated by her children Howard Merlin, Kenneth Merlin, and Michelle Merlin Banks.