Counting the Omer in 5784

Each week between Passover and Shavuot, the days in which we count the omer, we asked our community to share the names of those who have contributed to us on our journeys.

We Have All Been Celebrated!

During our time of Counting of the Omer, we focused on sefirot (qualities) of chesed (loving kindness), gevurah (justice), tiferet (harmony/compassion), netzach (endurance), hod (humility/modesty), yesod (connection). and malchut (sovereignty). And each week, many of you chose to share the names of those who represented one (or many) of the sefirot. Donations received will help us purchase copies of Lev Shalem, the siddur we use on zoom and will be using in person soon. Even though our Omer Counting is completed, you can still make donation for purchasings Lev Shalem *here.*

Yasher koach to us all!