Heska Amuna Synagogue has served the Jewish community of Knoxville, Tennessee for over 130 years. We balance respect for tradition with openness to new ideas and practices. We come together as a family in the warmth of Shabbes, the spirituality of Jewish holy days, and the sharing of life’s important passages. We are small enough to be personal, but large enough to meet the needs of a diverse membership. We emphasize education and pride ourselves on the skills of our adult lay leadership and on the accomplishments of our youth.
We welcome all to be a part of our family.
It’s Kallah Time Again! Sign up to attend Heska Amuna’s Shabbat weekend at Camp Ramah Darom!
Celebrate Hanukkah! Save these Dates!
In addition to the festivities noted below, Heska Amuna will be joining in on the Knoxville Jewish Alliance Hanukkah celebration on Sunday, December 15 and Dave and Rabbi Shush Carson and will be hosting a Havdallah Hanukkah Bonfire at their farm on Saturday evening, December 28.
Join our services using this zoom link for all services! (Classes use other zoom links; see below for specific links for specific classes.)
Meeting ID for all services: 560 531 361
Passcode: 628641
- Tuesday, Dec 3, 8:00 pm, Minyan led by Michael Burnett (zoom only)
- Wednesday, Dec 4, 11:30 am-12:30 pm – Lunch and Learn with Rabbi Rosenbaum (zoom only; see zoom link below)
- Wednesday, Dec 4, 6:30 pm Minyan led by Jack Love followed by Talmud Chat with Raphe Panitz (zoom only)
- Friday evening, Dec 6, Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:30 pm (zoom only, led by Jack Love)
- Saturday, Dec 7, Text Study with William Thompson, in the library, 9:15 am (in-person only)
- Saturday, Dec 7, Traditional Shabbat service with the Rabbi & Religious Services Committee, 9:45 am (in-person and on zoom)
- Monday, Dec 9, 6:30 pm. Pscintilating Psalms, a class led by Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum (in-person and zoom; see zoom link below)
If you were not able to join us for this fascinating program, check back soon for a link to the recording.
To add a bookplate to a high holy day prayerbook (mahzor), please click *here.*
Reach out to Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum.
Rabbi will be back in Knoxville December 19-26.
Click *here* to join his next class, Pscinitillating Psalms, on Monday, December 9, 6:30pm (zoom only) and click *here* for his next Lunch and Learn, Wednesday, December 4 at 11:30 (zoom only).
Make an appointment with Rabbi Rosenbaum here, email him here, or call (865) 522-0701.
Keep up with Rabbi’s blog *here* and his YouTube channel *here.*
We have updated our Zoom links and now have ONE link to use for all minyanim, Shabbat, and holiday services!
Join our services using *this* zoom link for everything!
Meeting ID for all services: 560 531 361
Passcode: 628641
What do we mean by “everything?” We mean *all* of our services!
Tuesday evening minyan, 8 pm, led by Michael Burnett (which is zoom-only)
Wednesday minyan, 6:30 pm and Talmud Chat that follows minyan, led by Jack Love and Raphe Panitz (both are zoom-only)
Friday Kabbalat Shabbat, 6:30 pm, led by Jack Love and Rabbi Adam Rosenbaum (a mix of in-person and zoom-only depending on Rabbi Rosenbaum’s travel schedule)
Shabbat morning Traditional services, 9:45 am, 1st and 3rd Saturdays in the month, led by the Rabbi and Religious Services Committee and Rabbi Rosenbaum (in-person and zoom)
Shabbat morning Contemporary services, 10 am, 2nd and 4th, (and 5th when there is one) Saturdays in the month, led by Rabbi Shush Carson (in-person and zoom)
Questions? Concerns? Delights? Let us know! RRS@HeskaAmuna.Org
Gilya Schmidt shared thoughts from her latest book on the life of Hazzan Heiser at Heska Amuna last month; click *here* for the unedited zoom session. Passcode: Passcode: &uyLyA99
Shabbat Morning Text Study Continues!
Our Shabbat text study is led by William Thompson beginning at 9:15 in the synagogue library. Our Shabbat morning study group will be exploring the Tanak; join us any week before our Shabbat services begin.
Our community connects in person for Shabbat Morning Services and on Zoom for services, classes and talks, podcasts, and other programs. Click *here* for our complete schedule of services and classes. (Questions? Suggestions? Contact our office at 865-522-0701 or the Rabbi and Religious Services committee at RRS@heskaamuna.org.)
- Heska Amuna Synagogue is a sacred home,
animated by Jewish tradition: - • Finding purpose through reflection (Cheshbon HaNefesh);
- • Healing lives through service (Chesed); and
- • Celebrating God with awe and joy (Yirat Shamayim).